Postcards from the Past, overview
Postcards from the Past, assorted postcards
Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard front
Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard back
Postcards from the Past, detail of postmark
Postcards from the Past, overview
Postcards from the Past, overview

80’ x 10’ x 4” leaning rail and paving inserts

commission for Atlantic St. station, Newark, NJ

Newark Light Rail Transit System, by NJ Transit $110,000 leaning rail and paving enhancement, porcelain enamel and painted steel

This steel and porcelain enamel leaning rail consists of a large scale postmark with fifteen oversized postcards mounted along it; each one comments on an aspect of the history of Newark from the 1600’s to the present. The farthest images back in the past are embedded in the pavement and gradually rise up to the left, to present day Newark. The postcard imagery is based loosely on humorous postcards from the early 1900’s that were hand tinted and often depicted oversize produce as a way of advertising regional bounty. 

Postcards from the Past, assorted postcards
Postcards from the Past, assorted postcards

from left to right:

"Urban Renewal", "Pride of Newark", "Newark's Water Supply",

"Slavery", "Farmers at First", "Price of Newark"

Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard front
Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard front

"Ensuring insurance? A capital idea!"

Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard back
Postcards from the Past, detail of postcard back

"Pride of Newark"

Postcards from the Past, detail of postmark
Postcards from the Past, detail of postmark